ASSOCIATE of Biblical Studies 

Prerequisite: High School Diploma/GED; Born-again Experience; Active Church Attendance 

Graduation Requirement: A 3,000-word Thesis/dissertation required for this degree emailed to

This is mandatory. Without this thesis I dissertation, you will not receive your degree. This will be placed in your file at Remnant Global.

MASTER of Theology

Prerequisite: Bachelor of Biblical Studies Degree 

Graduation Requirement: A 7,000-word thesis/ dissertation on the book "Understanding Theology, Volume 2" required for this degree emailed to

This is mandatory. Without this thesis I dissertation, you will not receive your degree. This will be placed in your file at Remnant Global.

MASTERS - Christian Counseling 

Tuition: $2,000.00 plus $60.00 application fee 

Prerequisite: Bachelor in Biblical Studies 

Graduation Requirement: One Page synopsis of each video 

10,000 word thesis about 1 topic on the videos 

Cancer, Seven things you need to know to help Breaking the Bonds of Sexual Addiction 

Career Fulfillment 

Depression, Mood Disorders and Suicide 

Embracing Your Life's Story 

Flourishing in a Digital World 

Food Triggers, End Your Cravings, Eat Well and Live Better Forgiveness 

Fostering Resillency in the Face of Traumatic Stress Getting Unstuck, The Road to Healing and Recovery Grief and Loss 

Healing the Scars of Sexual Abuse 

OCD in Children, Adolescents, and Adults 

Overcoming Anxiety 

Preparing for Remarriage 

Psychotropic Medication, What you need to know 

Raising Kids in a Technolgy Driven World 

Righteous Living 

Seven Habits of a Healthy Marriage 

Sexual Hope 

Shame Off You, Made in the Image of God 

Strategic Design, The Image of God 

Successfully Navigating Conflict 

The Power of Perspective 

The Search for Significance 

The Silent Struggle of Infertility 

When Someone you Love is Addicted 

When Two Become Three 

Why Kids Cut 

You and Your Body, Understanding Eating Disorders 

BACHELOR of Biblical Studies 

Prerequisite: Associate of Biblical Studies degree

Graduation Requirement: A 5,000-word thesis/ dissertation required for this degree emailed to

This is mandatory. Without this thesis I dissertation, you will not receive your degree. This will be placed in your file at Remnant Global.

DOCTOR of Biblical Studies -Theology 

Prerequisite: Master of Biblical Studies Degree

Graduation Requirement: A 25,000-word thesis/ dissertation required for this degree emailed to

This is mandatory. Without this thesis I dissertation, you will not receive your degree. This will be placed in your file at Remnant Global.

Other Degree Programs

DOCTORATE - Christian Counseling 

Tuition: $2,500.00 plus $60.00 application fee 

Prerequisite: Masters in Biblical Studies

Graduation Requirement: One Page synopsis of each video 

25,000 word thesis about 1 topic on the videos 

The Fear Knots of your Heart 

The Narcissistic Personality 

Integrating God's Design for Authentic Change & Growth Understading Addictions 

Understanding the Empty Nest Syndrome 

Understanding Your Emotions 

Nurturing the Multigenerational Family 

Communication in Healthy Relationships 

Experiencing Fullness of Life and Favor with God 

Parenting Teens 

Anxiety, Stress and Burnout 

Communication, Conflicts and Decisions in Marriage 

The Desires of the Soul 


Divorce Recovery 

Domestic Violence, Rape and Sexual Assault 

Battling Bipolar Disorder 

Peace During Life's Darkest Moments 

Cultivating Christlike Character 

Love on the Rocks 

The Heart of Marital Lovemaking 

Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder 

Always Living in View of Eternity Alcoholism 

Blended Families 

Anxiety, Panic Attacks and Social Phobia 

Anger Management 

Autism Spectrum Disorders 


Cents and Sensibility 

How Couples Lose at Love and Marriage


Courses Offered